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by lusoplayer
Forum: Users
Topic: Cant use caption (need wrapped text)?
Replies: 4
Views: 6523

Re: Cant use caption (need wrapped text)?

Thanks for the answers. I am trying to use an image as background of a text. So basically, write a text over an image in background. This image size is not important, so let's say... I want to have an image with 200x200px and put some background into that space (which can be a image with 600x300px ...
by lusoplayer
Forum: Users
Topic: Cant use caption (need wrapped text)?
Replies: 4
Views: 6523

Cant use caption (need wrapped text)?

Hello, I have the following code (used in PHP): exec( 'convert -extent '.$width.'x'.$height.' gradient: -sigmoidal-contrast 6,45% \ '.$imgBackground.' \ +repage \ -font "'.$font.'" \ -fill "'.$fontColor.'" -pointsize '.$text_size.' -gravity "'.$text_align.'" \ -draw "text 1,0 ''.$text ...