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by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: achieve this effect
Replies: 11
Views: 13963

Re: achieve this effect

Thank You guys,
I used blur with 0.7 value and it worked well.
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: achieve this effect
Replies: 11
Views: 13963

Re: achieve this effect

Thank you guys,
Now I believe its not possible with IM. Anyhow, can you please also tell me how do I smooth the edges of the curves? I am using autotrace but its not producing the correct result. I am using autotrace separately, as I didn't enable it while installing IM.
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: achieve this effect
Replies: 11
Views: 13963

Re: achieve this effect

I need to replicate exact effect. if you see closely the curve and some of the corners are very different, which are not being generated by morphology with close disk, smooth disk, applying median. I am 100% sure this effect is achieved by imagemagick as there were some other affects too, which I ...
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: achieve this effect
Replies: 11
Views: 13963

Re: achieve this effect

somebody please help
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: achieve this effect
Replies: 11
Views: 13963

achieve this effect

Hi, I have a sample image and I know it is achieved using ImageMagick. Can someone help achieving the same effect. my image: desired effect: I tried to use morphology with close disk and also median parameters but the output was not ...
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: label not generating
Replies: 8
Views: 11199

Re: label not generating

ok i fixed the problem myself. the problem was with fill I had to put it in quotes like "#ff0000"

so its working now:

/usr/bin/convert -background none label:"hello" -fill "#ff0000" -font Arial -pointsize 12 /home/public_html/text.png
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: label not generating
Replies: 8
Views: 11199

Re: label not generating

ya i escaped at my side. But i dont know why i am getting an empty array and its not generating anything if i put '-background none -fill #ff0000'
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: label not generating
Replies: 8
Views: 11199

Re: label not generating

empty array

array ()
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: label not generating
Replies: 8
Views: 11199

Re: label not generating

ok i tried this but did not work as well:

/usr/bin/convert -background none -fill #ff0000 -font Arial -pointsize 12 label:"fsdfds" /home/public_html/svg/text.png
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: label not generating
Replies: 8
Views: 11199

label not generating

hi, I am trying to generate text with rotation, no background color, and not defining the size. The command which i am using is working fine on my windows machine: C:/im/convert -background none label:"fsdfds" -fill #ff0000 -font Arial -pointsize 12 C:/public_html/text.png but the same command on my ...
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: text rotation problem
Replies: 3
Views: 8334

Re: text rotation problem

hi actually i am trying to convert svg text to raster image manually. For example i have a free transformed text in SVG like this: <text style="text-anchor: middle; font: 12px "Arial"; opacity: 1;" x="100" y="100" text-anchor="middle" font="10px Arial" stroke="none" fill="#ff0000" font-size="12px ...
by mahadazad
Forum: Users
Topic: text rotation problem
Replies: 3
Views: 8334

text rotation problem

hi i have an image on which i want to put a rotated text(rotated from its center point) here is the command i am using: C:\imagemagick>convert.exe c:\qr.png -draw "fill #ff0000 text 100,100 mahdi" -distort SRT 45 c:\qr1.png i dont want the background image to be ...