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by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Thank you very much fmw42 and magic for your helpful replies :D

As it happens -auto-level was just what I was after (I do not want to lose any information when I do post-processing on the image sequence) - it seems to work a charm!
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Sorry for the late info... Here is the header to original.FIT: SIMPLE T / BITPIX 16 / NAXIS 2 / NAXIS1 660 / NAXIS2 500 / OBJECT '0eV' TELESCOP '' INSTRUME 'Starlight Xpress CCD' OBSERVER '' ORIGIN '' DATE-OBS '2012-03-04' TIME-OBS '10:54:14' HISTORY '' HISTORY '' HISTORY '' HISTORY '' HISTORY ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Okay, here is the latest... original.FIT: original.tif (newly converted with updated 'convert' * - see below): original_gr.tif (converted using ImageVIEWca): ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Thank you very much for all your help magick - it has been invaluable! As it turns out I recompiled on my openSUSE box with "./configure --enable-hdri=yes --with-modules=yes --enable-delegate-build=yes" and I can now use the convert command again :) Now by using 'identify' on my three images I get ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Once again thanks for the swift reply magick :D Okay here goes (This will be a bit of a long post - apologies!)... Below is the output to "convert logo: logo.miff;identify -verbose logo.miff" (the convert command did not forward any messages to the screen): Image: logo.miff Format: MIFF (Magick ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Thanks magick, I tried typing in 'identify -list format|grep "FIT"'. It gives: "FITS* FITS rw- Flexible Image Transport System" as expected. So it would appear that I can read/write FITS files... As an added precaution I looked at the permissions of the IM files in /usr/local/bin and /lib and all ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

Re: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Thank you magick for the quick reply :D I have attempted upgrading to the latest release, but since upgrading convert is throwing up the following error when I attempt to use the command in my previous post: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `original.FIT' @ error/constitute.c ...
by Light
Forum: Users
Topic: problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF
Replies: 13
Views: 23735

problem converting grayscale 16-bit FIT to TIFF

Hello All, I am having an issue converting grayscale 16-bit FITS images to the TIFF format using ImageMagick's (v. 6.6.0-4) convert command (under either Ubuntu 11.04 or OpenSUSE 11.3). I am using the following command: convert -colorspace Gray -define dcm:display-range=reset original.FIT -auto ...