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by Cutless
Forum: Users
Topic: Montage by file name order?
Replies: 3
Views: 8370

Re: Montage by file name order?

Thank you this worked.

I had to make a macro to replace 99 images (good thing I have a g510 keyboard) to add the zeros for me.

I then used the output

Code: Select all

montage -tile 11x59 *.png output.png
To those who may also have the same issue.
by Cutless
Forum: Users
Topic: Montage by file name order?
Replies: 3
Views: 8370

Montage by file name order?

I have 649 images that I wish to tile together by their number in a 11x x 59y order. All the images are by a pattern digits (like 1.png, 2.png, 3.png > 647.png, 648.png, 649.png ) I've been trying to fiddle with the options to make them tile in some form of order but learnt that it tiles by column ...