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- 2012-07-29T16:38:20-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
So, the work is done! Basically I've been playing around with TimeLapse movie on my Android phone, which with ICS is really easy. Thing is that there's no ability to "drag" the shutter, so I thought maybe I could use ImageMagick to average some frames, and give a similar effect. Turns out, you can ...
- 2012-07-12T18:46:30-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
that works - thanks!
BTW In case you are wondering what I'm doing, I will share with you when its working end-end
BTW In case you are wondering what I'm doing, I will share with you when its working end-end

- 2012-07-12T16:15:15-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
The script runs fine on OSX / Lion, trying it on Linux / Ubuntu, but its not working, I get
convert: unrecognized option `-evaluate-sequence' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/1347.
Any ideas?
convert: unrecognized option `-evaluate-sequence' @ convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/1347.
Any ideas?
- 2012-07-08T22:31:19-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
ahhh thank you!
OK, follow on question: can ImageMagick weight the images i.e. the highest numbered contributes say 50%, then the next 25%, then 12.5%, and then 2 lots of 6.25% (i.e. to give 100%) ?
OK, follow on question: can ImageMagick weight the images i.e. the highest numbered contributes say 50%, then the next 25%, then 12.5%, and then 2 lots of 6.25% (i.e. to give 100%) ?
- 2012-07-08T20:53:41-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
I created a script from your code: #!/bin/bash totnum=14 seqnum=5 num=$((totnum-seqnum)) while [ $i -le $num ]; do i1=$i i2=$((i+1)) i3=$((i+2)) i4=$((i+3)) i5=$((i+4)) convert $i1.jpg $i2.jpg $i3.jpg $i4.jpg $i5.jpg -evaluate-sequence mean result$i.jpg i=$((i+1)) done saved it as ...
- 2012-06-28T23:27:56-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
Whats the best numbering scheme eg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg etc?
Whats the best numbering scheme eg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg etc?
- 2012-06-27T22:45:34-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Re: Script to average images
been offline for a couple days: OS is OSX, can do 10.6, 10.6 and 10.7
- 2012-06-24T21:00:47-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Script to average images
- Replies: 20
- Views: 39896
Script to average images
Hi. After some searching I've found this forum. What I want to do is take a series of images eg 1.jpg thro 999.jpg and average them: 1 thro 5 2 thro 6 3 thro 7 and so on. I figure the script would use a command such as convert -average P2.JPG P2.JPG P3.JPG P4.JPG P5.JPG new1.jpp but I don't know ...