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- 2012-07-06T01:31:57-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Converting ps to tif with thicker lines
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7416
Re: Converting ps to tif with thicker lines
Hello Wolfgang and Anthony, thanks for your explanations. Regarding the hairline widths in the postscript, which lines are those? I saw linewidth only on two places, once with 0 and once with 1. Changing them to higher values did not produce different results. I saw in a doc about ps that linewidth ...
- 2012-07-04T23:45:57-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Converting ps to tif with thicker lines
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7416
Converting ps to tif with thicker lines
Hello, we are trying to convert a postscript file (created via Smallworld psplot) into a tif that can be displayed on a map. The tif file should be usable for different scales (approx 1:5000 - 1:50000), so we tried to create pyramid tiffs. However, when zooming out, the lines are very thin. If we ...