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by Chaka
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert a specific frame using a batch file
Replies: 2
Views: 4712

Re: How to convert a specific frame using a batch file

Ended up with this. Run this loop for every image specifying the wxh to look for and the correct scene is returned for the conversion. Still have a snag where you can end up in a indefinite loop if you add this code for each image. For now I specify a different variable for each image (set=a, set=b ...
by Chaka
Forum: Users
Topic: How to convert a specific frame using a batch file
Replies: 2
Views: 4712

How to convert a specific frame using a batch file

Hi All Still new to IM but have been doing basic stuff so far - converting gif/bmd/png This is using batch file on Win7 cmd.exe and IM 6.7.7-9. I now have to convert *.ico to *.xpm which I can do fine one ico file at a time. First identify to see which frame is 128x128 D:\>identify icon1.ico icon1 ...