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- 2012-07-06T10:03:40-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Installing ImageMagick
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9620
Re: Installing ImageMagick
I guess the Windows program convert was messing everything up, that still doesn't work. But when I use this little code it works perfectly. <?php exec("convert site-img/test.jpg -thumbnail 25x25 output.jpg"); ?> <img src="output.jpg"> Now I have 2 last questions (for now :P) I'm on my local server ...
- 2012-07-06T06:20:27-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Installing ImageMagick
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9620
Re: Installing ImageMagick
I deinstalled ImageMagick. And reinstalled it to check your question about - path to the enviromental variables. But they didn’t ask me, the only thing I selected was “Add application directory to your system path” ...
- 2012-07-06T03:05:02-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Installing ImageMagick
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9620
Installing ImageMagick
I’m trying to install ImageMagick (ImageMagick-6.7.8-1-Q16-windows-dll). I want to install it on my Windows vista pc. I just followed the installer, I installed it to c:\imagemagick. I didn’t change any of the standard settings. At the last point it asked me to test it in my MS-DOS prompt. I typed c: ...