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by cerberusss
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert with resize made image darker
Replies: 3
Views: 8345

Re: Convert with resize made image darker

OK thanks. I've converted them manually with Photoshop (only a couple of files) in the meantime. I'll wait for the port to update.
by cerberusss
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert with resize made image darker
Replies: 3
Views: 8345

Convert with resize made image darker

This has me stumped... when converting an image with the resize option, it became darker. Image comes from a client using Photoshop CS5: clock_88x88.png I also want a smaller version so I run: $ convert clock_88x88.png -resize 50% clock_44x44.png Result: clock_44x44.png $ identify clock_88x88.png ...