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by simont
Forum: Users
Topic: image stack and composite
Replies: 7
Views: 9503

Re: image stack and composite

Thanks so much. I took what you had wrote and came up with this to get exactly what I wanted:

convert \( "goo-Raw Shadow.jpg" -alpha copy \) \( goo-Alpha.jpg -alpha copy \) -compose over -composite goo.jpg -compose atop -composite goo5.png
by simont
Forum: Users
Topic: image stack and composite
Replies: 7
Views: 9503

Re: image stack and composite

Sorry for not explaining. I have 3 jpgs. 1 is a color .jpg with a shadow, another is an alpha (b&w) jpg, lastly is a shadow .jpg. The color .jpg has a background I want to remove, the alpha .jpg gives me the cutout shape I want and the shadow is the same shadow as the color image minus the color ...
by simont
Forum: Users
Topic: image stack and composite
Replies: 7
Views: 9503

Re: image stack and composite

I wish it were that easy. The foo-Raw\ Shadow.jpg is indeed correct. There is a space in the filename. Just for grins I renamed the file w/o a space. I fixed the space before the last \) though. This still doesn't work: convert \( foo-Alpha.jpg -alpha copy foo-RawShadow.jpg -alpha copy \) foo.jpg ...
by simont
Forum: Users
Topic: image stack and composite
Replies: 7
Views: 9503

image stack and composite

The following two commands give me the desired image: convert foo-Alpha.jpg -alpha copy foo-Raw\ Shadow.jpg -alpha copy mask4.png convert mask4.png foo.jpg -compose atop -composite final.png However when I attempt to combine it into one single call using image stacking it does not work: convert ...