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by philips
Forum: Users
Topic: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Replies: 9
Views: 13063

Re: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)

the pixel calculation would be ok but somehow I dont manage. Look the width is: 4 m which is 157.48 inches with 72 dpi leading to 11338.56 pixels. BUT, because I ll have to print on 240 dpiI have to increase with a factor 3.33333 (240/72 dpi) . This leaves e witha total of 37795.2 pixels per row ...
by philips
Forum: Users
Topic: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Replies: 9
Views: 13063

Re: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)

ok. well I thought seeing I updated the questions from pipitas there might be coming still. I still have the same problems. General is described below. 1) Now I run into the length problem. How can I set a cm width instead of a column width (which doesnt work seeing my images have different widths ...
by philips
Forum: Users
Topic: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Replies: 9
Views: 13063

Re: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)

No more help?

Did I say something wrong?
by philips
Forum: Users
Topic: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Replies: 9
Views: 13063

Re: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)

Thank you already very much everybody. Great suggestions!! Its kind of late but I ll look into the thumbnail option tomorrow. The images already were thumbnails already but 31px is exaclty the height I need. Seeing I shrink it even further by an post hoc dpi increase to 240 for the printer. And you ...
by philips
Forum: Users
Topic: General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Replies: 9
Views: 13063

General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)

Hello imagemagickians I know I about to ask a lot of question but I have all my hope vested in you. Thank you already!!!!!!! I hope you can help me somehow. But I am confident seeing my relative noobism on linux and imagemagick scripting. My problem is two parted. 1) I need to resize a large amount ...