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Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark size should depend on original size
Replies: 3
Views: 7733

Re: Watermark size should depend on original size

Thanks guys for your help, the script works perfect! Additional I'm happy to hear that it will be implementet in future versions, as (in my opinion) it's very important for running a wiki for example. Users upload different picture sizes and the watermark should depend on percentence size of course ...
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark size should depend on original size
Replies: 3
Views: 7733

Watermark size should depend on original size

Hi, could you please tell me the solutions for resizing the watermark to a fixed percentance of the size of the original picture. All solutions I have found just resized the watermark ignoring the dependance. So this I what I found, but how to modify it: composite -gravity southeast \( Watermark.png ...