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by allen0stewart
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to read/convert NEF
Replies: 4
Views: 12371

Re: unable to read/convert NEF


brew edit ufraw

add the line:
depends_on 'libpng'

brew uninstall ufraw
brew install ufraw
by allen0stewart
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to read/convert NEF
Replies: 4
Views: 12371

Re: unable to read/convert NEF

thanks, that's it!! now I just have to convince ufraw to build with PNG support on mac... neither the brew version nor compiling from source wants to do this :(
by allen0stewart
Forum: Bugs
Topic: unable to read/convert NEF
Replies: 4
Views: 12371

unable to read/convert NEF

I'm trying to inspect and convert NEF files on Mac OS X (10.7 or 10.8) using imagemagick builds from brew and the latest code that I built myself. Both yield the same error: mini$ identify ordered/2011-04-29/11_DSC_0072.NEF identify: delegate failed `"ufraw-batch" --silent --create-id=also --out ...