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by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Re: Finding corner coordinates after rotation

Forgot the WaitNumberOfSeconds subroutine in the previous reply:

Code: Select all

Sub WaitNumberOfSeconds(NumberOfSeconds As Integer)
waitTime = TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), Second(Now()) + NumberOfSeconds)
Application.Wait waitTime
End Sub
by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Re: Finding corner coordinates after rotation

I can show how I finally managed to get the output from the verbose option when running a image distorsion from Excel VBA. The solution was to use Windows Script Host. The code below also solved some other of my issues: a) Problems working with files on an external drive connected to wireless router ...
by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Re: Finding corner coordinates after rotation

I'm running ImageMagick-6.7.8-Q16 on a Windows XP machine. The verbose option works fine under both Affine and Perspective. I have now added code to my VBA macro to calculate the distorsion coefficients (in my case only four coefficients are non-zero making it trivial). But then I realized I didn't ...
by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Re: Finding corner coordinates after rotation

I'm not really sure I understand the question about API; it's simply a VBA macro in Excel 2003. The macro is doing a lot of things, not only ImageMagick operations. So the distorsion must be a part of this macro why performing the distorsion from the command line is not an option for me. For example ...
by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Re: Finding corner coordinates after rotation

Terribly sorry about the confusion about distorsion method; I simply wrote wrong in the message. I have of course used Perspective all the time with success. Correct code: msgs = img.Convert(InputFile, "-virtual-pixel", "background", "-verbose", "+distort", "Perspective", _ "0,0,0,0 800,0,800,-100 ...
by Kepler
Forum: Users
Topic: Finding corner coordinates after rotation
Replies: 8
Views: 8190

Finding corner coordinates after rotation

I’m writing code in Excel VBA to manipulate scanned maps. I use the distort option to rotate and shear the maps to ensure that north is exactly straight up and that the scale is the same in all directions. It works excellent, but there is a problem: My program needs the X and Y pixel coordinates of t ...