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by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Fred, I did download and instal CygWin, but have no idea how to run your scripts within it. I'd be most happy to take full advantage of that script if you can provide some direction there. With some testing, I might even be able to automate the process for all the images in a folder by combining ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Fred, I updated to version 6.8.0-Q16 and the command worked great. I tried it out with the specific hex colors I need and it worked perfectly. So once again, thank you for all your help. If I may, I'd like to ask one follow up question. After the +opaque black, is there a way to specify a second ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

I am using version 6.7.9-Q16, will check if that is the latest. The black is a pure black, hex 000000. Android requires it to be that color. What I am finding is that the tint is changing it slightly, for example making it 0007b. This is only an issue for the .9 patch files. What I did is add a ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Fred, just wondering if from the previous example that I had mostly success with: convert zelda.png -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray ( -size 1x1 xc:black xc:"hsl(56,100%%,52%%)" xc:white +append -filter cubic -resize "256x1!") -clut -fill white -colorize 0 zeldaTinted.png Is there any way to add ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Afraid I got the same results. The entire image gets filled with color. Even my .9.png files which have the special black borders were fully filled in.

So frustrating, I know I am close to getting this working. As always, thanks for your suggestions.
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Regretfully all that I got from that last example was a full block of color. It filled everything.

The other command worked very well with the exception of red & orange, however I found it also messed with the color black which I can't allow.
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Well, I am hoping you can suggest something better Fred, the purple, green and blue look awesome but I can't seem to nail down a bright enough red and orange color.
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Thanks Fred. Here is a sample of before and after. The left side of the image in blue is the stock android and the right side in red is the after affect. Ideally I would love to be able to pick the specific color using standard RGB Hex colors. I can ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

As promised, here is my vbscript code to convert all images in a folder to a specific color. This will create a copy of each image in purple, red, green, blue and orange and place the images in folders by those same color names. This script was only possible thanks to Fred's help! So thanks Fred, I ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

I am sure you are right Fred, you haven't steered me wrong yet. I will likely try to circle back to that, but for the moment it is a bit too complex for me to understand to implement. Most of the images I am dealing with will have only a single color or black/white and a single color. Essentially I ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Brilliant! It works perfectly. Now I just have to play around with the values to match up with the colors I am making in my Android themes. Fred, thank you so much for all of your patience and perseverance. I am going to create a bunch of images with different hue values so I can see how they ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Hi Fred, I am back at it again now that work has given me a slight break for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am still trying to convert your script over for use in a Windows system. I am regrettably non-versed in the Linux batch syntax and having a problem. From your earlier example: convert zelda3.png ...
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Fred, what did you name the new script?

Any chance you can tell me how to use the CygWin to execute one of these scripts?

What I need to do is be able to point the script to a directory and have it colorize all the files in that folder, ignoring all black in any image.
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Thank you Fred, your dedication to the pursuit of code perfection is most appreciated. I look forward to trying this out.
by markdmac
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "colorize"
Replies: 44
Views: 48064

Re: Please help! How replicate the function of GIMP's "color

Wow, I read the info on hald images three times and still don't understand it. Can't believe how much that went over my head and I like to think of myself as a rather bright guy. I follow that there is a grid of colors, but what I don't understand is how they are used to skew an image. For my needs ...