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by Moini
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import
Replies: 8
Views: 11814

Re: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import

Ah - that's a pity... but it explains a lot :-)

Thank you very much for your help!
by Moini
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import
Replies: 8
Views: 11814

Re: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import

Is there a similar function to convert the colorspace of an svg-image (created in inkscape, saved as normal svg, not inkscape svg) ? If I only change the file names in the above command (e.g. for input: test.svg, for output: test1.svg) and run identify -verbose on that new picture, I get the result ...
by Moini
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import
Replies: 8
Views: 11814

Re: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import

Hi - I edited my post :-) Obviously, that wasn't obvious enough.

The first part is the current state, while the part in triple brackets was my old, erroneous post where I had wrongly written icc instead of icm.

Thank you again!
by Moini
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import
Replies: 8
Views: 11814

Re: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import

//EDIT: I got the name of the color profile wrong, it was sRGB.ic m , I hadn't expected that. It works perfectly with scribus. Thank you very much!!! (((When I try this: convert Ping.png -alpha off -profile sRGB.icc -profile ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc -alpha on Ping.tiff I get this result: convert ...
by Moini
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import
Replies: 8
Views: 11814

Transparency + CMYK file formats for scribus import

I'm trying to achieve this: - create an image file with transparency (binary or alpha), using a certain ICC profile for CMYK color space, from a png file - this new image file (whichever format makes sense, possibly tiff or psd) needs to be imported into scribus without loss of transparency (alpha ...