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- 2012-12-28T22:12:10-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
First, fmw42, thank you for all the patience and help! It's working. I was checking my earlier files and found that -density 150x150 wasn't working - but you're comment about using -units got it to work. Here's the command that did it: convert -density 150x150 MamboTest.pdf -background white -units ...
- 2012-12-28T18:34:48-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
Okay, I'm playing around with that now. I had some issue at one point - with all the experimentation, it's sometimes hard to keep it all straight. For a while I couldn't get -density to behave. Do -extent -page ever "fight" with -density? It seems like using -extent can force it to ignore -density ...
- 2012-12-28T17:52:18-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
I got it to almost work. This command line: convert MamboTest.pdf -gravity center -background white -extent 612x792 MamboTest-PageSet.png Gave me margins and a border, but it's not exactly the same size, in a Preview window, as the PDF, but that could be for several reasons. However, it is only 72 ...
- 2012-12-28T17:00:08-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
It didn't work, so here's the link to the PDF:
Anything else I can provide, let me know, since this looks like it's weird enough it could effect other things, too.
Oh, and it was produced by LibreOffice - if that matters.
Anything else I can provide, let me know, since this looks like it's weird enough it could effect other things, too.
Oh, and it was produced by LibreOffice - if that matters.
- 2012-12-28T15:26:46-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
Here's the images. These are screenshots of the PDF or PNGs in Preview (the default app for viewing almost anything on OS X). In each case, I set the zoom setting to "fit to window," so I'm assuming the actual image size in all of them is the same size as the one in the first image - but that the ...
- 2012-12-28T12:45:10-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
Re: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
Thank you. I may have misunderstood the docs, but there's a problem - when I try this, I'm getting only a section of the page. I tried this and it gave me a picture of only part of the page. I changed the 612x792 to 1275x1650 (got those numbers from multiplying 150 DPI by 8.5 and 11 inches for the ...
- 2012-12-28T00:10:47-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
- Replies: 12
- Views: 12052
PDF to PNG Conversion Removes Margins
I've tried this: convert -background transparent -density 150x150 -page Letter Background.pdf[0] BackgroundParts-00-150DPI.png I've done it with the -density option set, and with -page set, then without the -density and without the -page, and with only one of each (in other words all 4 combinations ...