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by Dgandalf
Forum: Users
Topic: Change channels strength
Replies: 7
Views: 7142

Re: Change channels strength

There is an option to use the same command

Code: Select all

convert red_bg.jpg -modulate 100,100,20.0976 blue_bg.png
but instead of giving it an image as source and get image as output, to give it a hexadecimal value and get the output hexadecimal value?

Thanks for the help guys, You are real experts :D
by Dgandalf
Forum: Users
Topic: Change channels strength
Replies: 7
Views: 7142

Re: Change channels strength

Works like a magic!

Thanks for the detailed explanations, I will read how to do these magics by myself now :)
by Dgandalf
Forum: Users
Topic: Change channels strength
Replies: 7
Views: 7142

Re: Change channels strength

Thanks, I've found a good documentation here: Unfortunatly I cann't seem to achieve my goal. I would like to turn the red in this picture into blue one (not pure blue), blue like this one (ignore the pattern): ...
by Dgandalf
Forum: Users
Topic: Change channels strength
Replies: 7
Views: 7142

Change channels strength

I would like to change image's colors, to take the strength of the Red color and split it between the other channels in the precentage I desire. For example, if the RGB of a pixel in an image is as the following: R:200 G:0 B:0 it will turn into (configurable): R:0 (0%) G:50 (25%) B:150 (75%) or even ...