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by chicagocoyote
Forum: Users
Topic: svg to png conversion and latex
Replies: 4
Views: 5245

Re: svg to png conversion and latex

My workflow includes creating images with gnuplot and I ran into the bug that is documented here: The bug exists with .png images but not .svg images. Yes, I _should_ avoid this workflow, but right now ...
by chicagocoyote
Forum: Users
Topic: svg to png conversion and latex
Replies: 4
Views: 5245

Re: svg to png conversion and latex

Ok, I just tried the -enhance flag, and the result did
create a .png that could be displayed correctly by

convert -enhance file.svg file.png
by chicagocoyote
Forum: Users
Topic: svg to png conversion and latex
Replies: 4
Views: 5245

svg to png conversion and latex

I just converted a .svg image to a .png with the simple command: convert file.svg file.png This new png file displays fine in various image display applications such as geeqie, eog (eye of gnome), and ristretto. However, when I read this .png into a latex document this image does not display ...