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by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

I think I found sample instead of resize at the same moment you guys were posting. The final sequence of operations is: convert -size 1x1 xc:black xc:white -append \( -clone 0 -rotate 180 \) +append -write mpr:cell +delete -size 1200x768 tile:mpr:cell mask.gif convert in.gif -interlace Partition foo ...
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

The following sequence almost works to produce the interleaved UV plane. convert -size 1x1 xc:black xc:white -append \( -clone 0 -rotate 180 \) +append -write mpr:cell +delete -size 1200x768 tile:mpr:cell mask.gif convert in.gif -interlace Partition foo.yuv mv foo.U foo.U.R mv foo.V foo.U.R convert ...
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

It may work I just got to my computer (I was reading your msgs via phone last night) so I haven't had a chance to try it or even understand it. I tired it, it didn't work right off the bat but that might be because I don't understand a few things, I'm pretty much a newbie to IM Here is what I did ...
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

Hmm interesting: convert src.gif -interlace Partition dest.yuv Will produce 3 files dest.y, dest.u, dest.v, the .u and .v files are the desired 1/4 size, I just need to figure out how to interleave them into one file after that I can just concatenate the .y file with the combined file and I'm done ...
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

Thanks for the links but I've read through those and haven't found anything.
I was thinking that someone more knowledgeable of IM might know some way to split the planes out and then recombine them the way I want them.

Matt S.
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Re: Convert images to YUV NV12 format

Thanks for trying but that doesn't do what I'm looking for. I described the NV12 format in the original post. To illustrate YYYYY.... UVUVUV.... (The u and v data is 1/2 the height and width of the Y data.) The command you posted will produce YUV with the 1/2 height and width U and V planes, but in ...
by mschuckmann
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert images to YUV NV12 format
Replies: 14
Views: 38081

Convert images to YUV NV12 format

I need to convert some jpeg images into raw YUV images in the NV12 format.
The NV12 format: 8-bit Y plane followed by an interleaved U/V plane with 2x2 subsampling.

Can this be done with imagemagick?

Matt S.