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by Brabantis
Forum: Users
Topic: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]
Replies: 9
Views: 8024

Re: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]

Yes, but I solved by altering the other code, the one that generates RSS feeds
by Brabantis
Forum: Users
Topic: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]
Replies: 9
Views: 8024

Re: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]

I upgraded last week :shock:
by Brabantis
Forum: Users
Topic: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]
Replies: 9
Views: 8024

Re: Fitting text to image

That didn't work either. There re a couple things I noticed though. First, as far as my limited skill goes I cannot use "label" or "caption" because the text is not fixed, but the result of the previous script. Also "rotate" didn't work if not in the first position, and it did not seem to work with ...
by Brabantis
Forum: Users
Topic: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]
Replies: 9
Views: 8024

Re: Fitting text to image

Didn't work. From the little I know of coding, your method is for adjusting the size of the letters to fill the width; I just wanted the text to go to the next line whenever it would go over a certain width. Like in Notepad.
by Brabantis
Forum: Users
Topic: Fitting text to image [SOLVED]
Replies: 9
Views: 8024

Fitting text to image [SOLVED]

Hello, I am using ImageMagick on a Mac, and I wanted to use it to create a geeklet (for GeekTool) that would display info slightly rotated clockwise. I have a code that would fetch some text, then make a rotated image of it. The code I am using for simple texts is: {part of code that fetches the ...