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by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.
Replies: 10
Views: 17708

Re: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.

I used:

Code: Select all

convert -density 300 mypdf.pdf output.png
After trying -density 600 mypdf.pdf -resize 50% it seems to work better. These shouldn't give the exact same image right? The -density 600 and -resize 50% are resampling at a greater quality. Is that correct? Thanks.
by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.
Replies: 10
Views: 17708

Re: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.

What can I do to this image to improve tesseract-ocr transcription quality?

There are many images like it that have 1-5 words on it with the same pixel dimensions. Do they need to be larger? It is only 43 pixels tall.

by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.
Replies: 10
Views: 17708

Re: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.

Thank you humble warlocks. I pay homage to your wisdom. I used pdfimages to convert from pdf to .ppm and .pbm files. And the converted these files to .tif and they look very clean and are working for what I was hoping for with OCR but if you don't mind I have a couple more questions to complete my ...
by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.
Replies: 10
Views: 17708

scanned paper pdfs and original image extraction.

Pixel wizards of open source. I summon thee! Although my mortal quarrels are surely nothing to your dances with the four elements, I seek you to lift my troubles. I have used IM to take scanned paper document pdfs to pngs with good results but I am curious if there is a method to take the image with ...
by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: Pdf conversion is losing graphics and text
Replies: 2
Views: 3778

Re: Pdf conversion is losing graphics and text

Thanks. I was using file.pdf[1] (which I edited to show in my first post to avoid further confusion) when I should have used file.pdf[0].
by cyclondude
Forum: Users
Topic: Pdf conversion is losing graphics and text
Replies: 2
Views: 3778

Pdf conversion is losing graphics and text

Hello. I just recently moved to using ImageMagick to automate pdf conversions. I am running into trouble with convert missing some graphics from the original. The first page (and continuing pages) of the pdf at ...