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by dmcgough
Forum: Users
Topic: 6.7 on Solaris 10, Slow to convert 5MB jpg
Replies: 3
Views: 2879

Re: 6.7 on Solaris 10, Slow to convert 5MB jpg

Add -debug cache to your command line. Is it allocating the pixel cache on disk? If so, that's the source of the slow-down. Hi, thanks for your reply. I have added the option to the command. Here is the first few lines of the output. I am not sure how to determine if the pixel cache is going to the ...
by dmcgough
Forum: Users
Topic: 6.7 on Solaris 10, Slow to convert 5MB jpg
Replies: 3
Views: 2879

6.7 on Solaris 10, Slow to convert 5MB jpg

Hi Everyone, I'm working with ImageMagick 6.7.6 on Solaris 10. When I issue the command: convert DSC_0283.jpg -resize 1024x768 -quality 100 test.jpg it takes about 50 seconds to convert the image. The jpg is 5mb in size. When I try smaller jpgs, under 1mb, for instance, the speed is not bad, 2-3 ...