Search found 13 matches
- 2013-11-30T07:05:01-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: pin up style pics
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2998
pin up style pics
Hello! i have one question. help me please! Can I using imagemagick create Pin Up style photo from normal photo? for example : ...
- 2013-11-17T03:28:09-07:00
- Forum: Fred's Scripts
- Topic: cant run Fred scripts
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16148
Re: cant run Fred scripts
hello! i try to run script USAGE: peelingpaint [-m mode] [-s strength] [-g gain] infile texture outfile my example : <? $run="sh/ -m scratches -s 130 -g 75 infile.jpg sh/mask1.jpg outfile.jpg 2>&1"; $run = exec($ln,$out ...
- 2013-11-16T17:15:14-07:00
- Forum: Fred's Scripts
- Topic: cant run Fred scripts
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16148
cant run Fred scripts
hello! i try to run script USAGE: peelingpaint [-m mode] [-s strength] [-g gain] infile texture outfile my example : <? $run="sh/ -m scratches -s 130 -g 75 infile.jpg sh/mask1.jpg outfile.jpg 2>&1"; $run = exec($ln,$out ...
hello! how can I do here is using this script here? it is possible? or replace stars like, rays of the star beyond the boundaries of ...
- 2013-04-14T03:54:14-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: jpg to gif problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3965
Re: jpg to gif problem
yes, with 0 it work nice!fmw42 wrote:Name your images i01 ... i50. That is they need the leading zeros to sort properly.

thank you again fmw42!

- 2013-04-13T18:12:09-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: jpg to gif problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3965
jpg to gif problem
hello! i have 50 jpg pictures frames from video 5 seconds to 10 frames each pictures with names /mydir/i1.jpg /mydir/i2.jpg /mydir/i3.jpg .. /mydir/i50.jpg i want unite all frames in one animated gif picture i try use command convert -delay 20 -loop 0 i*.jpg animatespheres.gif but the images are ...
- 2013-04-13T11:49:15-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: labels text encoding
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4898
Re: labels text encoding
very thank you! $mystr='тестовая строка'; $mystr = iconv("windows-1251", "utf-8", $mystr); $run = exec('convert thumbnail.gif \ -bordercolor black -border 3 -bordercolor white -border 2 \ \( -background black -fill white -pointsize 24 \ label:'.$mystr.' -trim +repage \ -bordercolor black -border 10 \ ...
- 2013-04-11T04:34:52-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: labels text encoding
- Replies: 2
- Views: 4898
labels text encoding
Hello! Help me please, i have problem with encoding in labels! try to use example Adding Borders and i aad label " Россия " (russian language) and get the following : https://dl.dropb ...
Re: composite
For the first one: convert wh.jpg null: \( 82.gif -coalesce -resize 200% \) -gravity center -geometry +0-230 -layers composite -layers optimize result1.gif see For the second ...
Re: composite
OK. I downloaded an extension for QT for avi/divx. Let me look at it now. its snapshots. seeing all the great ...
Re: composite
1. size of static and animated images are the same I cannot view your avi images. I do not have a player that supports that, only Quicktime. And my browser won't play it either. Perhaps you need some Windows user to help you. Your animation image is not the same size as the jpg. You must create an ...
Re: composite
can you provide your input images? see sorry, i try.. I study all imagemagitsk first week, he was very interested in me, but so far not quite understand his command line options. so i have 1. static picture ...
Hello! please tell me how to add an animated GIF with a transparent background over the static (or animated) images? 1. size of static and animated images are the same (fill animated glitter stars with transparent background all photo). 2. Animated less static images, and animation in the lower ...