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by indefinitedrums
Forum: Users
Topic: Help cropping pdf to pgm exporting only single crop section
Replies: 1
Views: 1967

Re: Help cropping pdf to pgm exporting only single crop sect

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand as soon as I posted, I realized my mistake.... I needed to add 0+0 to my crop dimensions to exclude the rest of the page.

Code: Select all

convert.exe -density 150 doc.pdf[1] -crop 425x206+0+0 -density 150 out.pgm
My apologies, and thank you for such a powerful tool!
by indefinitedrums
Forum: Users
Topic: Help cropping pdf to pgm exporting only single crop section
Replies: 1
Views: 1967

Help cropping pdf to pgm exporting only single crop section

Hello all, please forgive me if this is covered or if I just missed something, I did some extensive searching first, and couldnt find a solution... I am trying to use convert to take the first page of a pdf, crop it to small box in the top left corner, and save it as a pgm... this is the command I ...