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by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: HOWTO : batch composite picture of large collection
Replies: 0
Views: 3627

HOWTO : batch composite picture of large collection

Hi, I'd like to share my script. It takes all pictures in a folder and creates multiple composite pictures. The number of pictures in each composite output is a parameter of the script. The issues this script address are : - Using montage directly on a large picture set results in high memory usage ...
by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: flip image in montage
Replies: 3
Views: 2959

Re: flip image in montage

Ok I got it with the rotate option and pipe.
Thanks fmw42
by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: flip image in montage
Replies: 3
Views: 2959

Re: flip image in montage

Actually I misinterpreted the flip option.
I want to rotate the image (need them all in portrait or all in landscape mode).
So I suppose I should still use convert with rotate option, and pipe it to montage ?
by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: flip image in montage
Replies: 3
Views: 2959

flip image in montage

Hi, I'd like to batch process some pictures to make compiste pictures automaticaly. It's working fine when the pictures have accurate exif orientation. But when it's not the case my composite pictures are awful because the input pictures are not correctly turned. I tried the -flip montage option but ...
by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: montage use several gigabytes of RAM and swap
Replies: 5
Views: 4931

Re: montage use several gigabytes of RAM and swap

Bonzo : Yes I could write a script, but I wanted to know if there is a solution with ImageMaick first. anthony : My output picture is small : only 1333x2000 pixels. The issue is that IM creates the 200 output pictures at the same time and not one by one. You say I need to handle large images but ...
by contremaitre
Forum: Users
Topic: montage use several gigabytes of RAM and swap
Replies: 5
Views: 4931

montage use several gigabytes of RAM and swap

Hi, I have 400 pictures, and I would like to create 200 pictures, so 2 pictures into 1. They all have the same resolution : 1333x1000 So my output pictures will be 1333x2000 The command is simple : montage -geometry +0+0 -tile 1x2 *.jpg together.jpg But it seems that this command read ALL images at ...