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by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Re: Getting the animation length of a GIF

Thanks! Just one little bug: The number of iterations needs to be increased by 1 do get the correct duration. Unfortunately the word "iterations" is ambiguous. Netscape, Firefox, and ImageMagick interpret it (as commonly used by computer programmers) to mean "number of times to play" while Chrome ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Re: Getting the animation length of a GIF

This should do it. Unix syntax # create animation with 4 frames, delay 50 and iterations 8 convert -delay 50 rose: rose: rose: rose: -loop 8 rose.gif # get duration convert -delay 50 rose: rose: rose: rose: -loop 8 rose.gif iterations=`convert rose.gif[0] -verbose info: | sed -n 's/^[ ]*Iterations ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculated duration != real duration of gif
Replies: 2
Views: 2573

Re: Calculated duration != real duration of gif

Gnah... found the problem: My brain.

Solution: Iterations + 1. Because the iteration defines the number of replays, not the number of plays.
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Calculated duration != real duration of gif
Replies: 2
Views: 2573

Calculated duration != real duration of gif

Hello, I have a gif with the following details: Iterations: 2 Number of Frames: 12 Each frame with following delays: Delay: 50x100 Scene: 0 of 12 Delay: 50x100 Scene: 1 of 12 Delay: 50x100 Scene: 2 of 12 Delay: 50x100 Scene: 3 of 12 Delay: 50x100 Scene: 4 of 12 Delay: 100x100 Scene: 5 of 12 Delay ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Re: Getting the animation length of a GIF

convert xc: xc:black -loop 99 x.gif identify -verbose x.gif | cGrep /i- /sIterations This gives me only the number of iterations...which can't even be accessed via an variable. :/ I dont know how I could continue here to get the final duration. F:\web\im>exiftool -GIF:AnimationIterations x.gif ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Re: Getting the animation length of a GIF

What were you looking for? For the time, a gif animation needs to be finished, inclusive all loops. So the time can be 0 seconds, n seconds or infinite. but googling for "gif duration" gives links to several applications that probably do what you want. Well, can you give me an example? As I said, I ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Re: Getting the animation length of a GIF

Hello, thanks for your answer. Sadly, exiftool doesn't consider the iteration of a gif. I tried the following command to get at least the image time delay for each frame: identify -verbose -format "Frame %s: %Tcs\n" 31_de_bf_gif_200x200.gif In -verbose, I also found the information "Iterations". But ...
by Shaun
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting the animation length of a GIF
Replies: 14
Views: 33746

Getting the animation length of a GIF

Hello, I was searching for an answer all over the internet and couldn't find any. So I will ask the question by myself: Is it possible to determine the animation length of a GIF? I could not find a command for that. I know that I can't just determine a framerate and count the frames to get the ...