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by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Re: Border with and font size in percent

Imagemagick is great. I look forward for v7. Is the photoshop for dos xD I work often with batch files and imagemagick is perfect for this. I know, a lot of programming time is in it, and its for free. Thanks for this. But another little question: Can convert manipulate the output filename like this ...
by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Re: Border with and font size in percent

...South -font "AR-BERKLEY" -pointsize %fsize% ...

(Without the Backspace)
by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Re: Border with and font size in percent

This one works: @echo off @echo Beschriftungstext: set /p beschr= FOR /F %%i IN ('identify -format "%%[fx:min(w,h)*0.05]" %1') DO SET psize=%%i FOR /F %%j IN ('identify -format "%%[fx:min(w,h)*0.04]" %1') DO SET fsize=%%j set neu=%1 set alle=%* FOR %%a IN (%alle%) DO convert -bordercolor white ...
by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Re: Border with and font size in percent

Hello Thanks a lot for your response. Imagemagick cannot do this job itself? Hmm the programmers should add this, i think this feature most people wo work with pictures with different Resolutions 8) - Also for watermarks with pictures have different resolution. I try the method with the formulars ...
by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Re: Border with and font size in percent

Sorry, i forget.

I use Windows 7 and ImageMagick 6.8.5-3 2013-04-27 Q16

by Nops
Forum: Users
Topic: Border with and font size in percent
Replies: 12
Views: 9556

Border with and font size in percent

Hello, I have a problem. I created a little script to make a frame to my pictures and a label. @echo off @echo Beschriftungstext: set /p beschr= set neu=%1 set alle=%* FOR %%a IN (%alle%) DO convert -bordercolor white -border 1 -bordercolor black -border 25%x25% -gravity South -font "AR-BERKLEY ...