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by royeven
Forum: Users
Topic: How do I create *.jp2-file with pre-made tiles
Replies: 2
Views: 1717

Re: How do I create *.jp2-file with pre-made tiles

I was afraid of that. After some research I found a different way to do it:
Jpegtran is a program that stitches together two jpegs in a way that they claim is lossless, and from my investigations seems to be.
by royeven
Forum: Users
Topic: How do I create *.jp2-file with pre-made tiles
Replies: 2
Views: 1717

How do I create *.jp2-file with pre-made tiles

Hi. I have six image files I want to make a montage of. Each file is downloaded from the net is 1024x1024 pixels in size. They are named A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, and I want the montage to look like this: |--------|--------| | A1.jpg | A2.jpg | | | | |--------|--------| | B1.jpg | B2.jpg ...
by royeven
Forum: Users
Topic: Create overlay mask to correct exposure
Replies: 11
Views: 11222

Re: Create overlay mask to correct exposure

Hi again and thanks for the tips from both of you! I have spent my time off from work for the last week working on improving the design, but my attempts have not been successful. First of all I feel I should emphasize that it's not me in the video. The design of the scanner is the product of the guy ...
by royeven
Forum: Users
Topic: Create overlay mask to correct exposure
Replies: 11
Views: 11222

Create overlay mask to correct exposure

I'm working with a project [1] where I want to take photographs of something covered by glass. My problem is that the lighting is uneven and I get various reflections from the glass. It also doesn't help that the glass platen is angled in relation to the light source, so that the light intensity is ...