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by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

snibgo wrote:Sorry, I don't know the definitive answer. I think you need to recompile. However, the dynamic version uses DLL files, so maybe if you get hold of the appropriate DLL file (perhaps named CORE_RL_exr_.dll), that's all you need. Even then, you might need to tweak the delegates file.
Thanks snibgo.
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

Could I just get a yes/no answer as to whether or not exr support is something I can add without having to compile IM. I'm guessing not, but there has been enough ambiguity in the replies to make me ask once more.


by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

magick wrote:Works for us under Linux. You need the OpenEXR delegate library. It is not built-in by default for the Windows binary distributions.
Thanks for the info.

Is that something that's needed pre-compilation? Or is it just a case of procuring the appropriate dll and placing it somewhere?
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

snibgo wrote:I tried "convert memorial.exr m.png" with IM v6.7.9, 6.8.0, 6.8.1, 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 and 6.8.5. Sorry, no luck.
Thanks for your help.
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

I don't have any exr files. If you can point me to one, I can try it out on various versions of IM, on Windows. But I now suppose none of them will work. I think you're right, but you can find a sample here if you'd like to try: ...
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

Actually, I get that error when I try and use the -layers flatten command. If I just run (as in your example): convert a.png a.exr Where a.png is a valid .png file that I have saved out of Photoshop I get no errors, however the output .exr file is still a .png it's just been renamed .exr Perhaps ...
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

I have just downloaded and installed ImageMagick-6.8.5-Q16 When I try to convert any .exr files, I get this error: "convert.exe: no decode delegate for this image format" `_tile_5x17_20x20_render.1.exr' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/550. and it does not show EXR or OpenEXR when I run: indentify ...
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Re: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

Thanks, can you tell me if you see .exr listed when you run:

identify.exe -list format
by mrDan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render
Replies: 13
Views: 10394

Need .exr support for simple composite of tiled render

Hi all, I've recently been exploring ways to quickly and easily combine tiled half-float .exr renders with a simple lightweight command line based tool approach. I have access to Nuke and various other compositing solutions however taking a license from another user for this seems like overkill for ...