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by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: compilation always look for
Replies: 1
Views: 1077

Re: compilation always look for

I found the issue. compilation was finding an old libMagickCore which was linked with My fault.
by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: compilation always look for
Replies: 1
Views: 1077

compilation always look for

Hello, I am compiling imagemagick 6.8.9-0 on HPUX B.11.23 U ia64. It used to compile fine until we upgraded libtiff. Now libMagickCore and libMagickWand compiles fine and links with which is the upgraded version. But libMagick++ always look for ld: Can't find dependent ...
by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++
Replies: 6
Views: 5065

Re: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++

I tried this but the output is still the same. The font is bigger than 5point. I can try the latest release but I was avoiding it. We use various non-windows platforms and it will take some time to compile the library on all these platforms with our new release due soon. Do you think I can do ...
by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++
Replies: 6
Views: 5065

Re: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++

yes, I did that only. So, its like the below code Image image( Geometry(713,8), Color("#ffffff")); image.fillColor("#000000"); image.density( Geometry(72, 72)); image.font("@.\Arial.ttf"); image.fontPointsize(5); image.annotate("A long text here", WestGravity); image.rotate(270); image.write("test ...
by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++
Replies: 6
Views: 5065

Re: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++

Thanks for looking at it.

I tried that -

Code: Select all

image.density( Geometry(72, 72));
But its still not working.

see the image. The top font is the correct one. Rest two below are either smaller or bigger. ... sp=sharing

by writetonsharma
Forum: Users
Topic: Font size not correct while annotating - magick++
Replies: 6
Views: 5065

Font size not correct while annotating - magick++

I am using imagemagick 6.7.3 on windows XP compiled with Visual Studio 6.0. I have the below code to annotate some text and I see that the font size is not set correctly. I doubt that a default font size is picked. Image image( Geometry(713,8), Color("#ffffff")); image.fillColor("#000000"); image ...