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by horen
Forum: Users
Topic: Imagemagick only uses one core
Replies: 0
Views: 4196

Imagemagick only uses one core

I am running an Ubuntu server with 8 cores. However imagemagick always only uses 1 single core. Running `identify -version` returns: Version: ImageMagick 6.6.9-7 2012-08-17 Q16 Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: OpenMP So OpenMP which is ...
by horen
Forum: Users
Topic: composite -blur results in black area
Replies: 11
Views: 7187

Re: composite -blur results in black area

@snibgo: Like the other compose methods (linear-burn, multiply, difference, etc.) I would like to offer blur as a "blending effect option" for the user. You can find the source images here: Text:,dGZX7sG#0 Background:,dGZX7sG#1 @fmw42: I have thought ...
by horen
Forum: Users
Topic: composite -blur results in black area
Replies: 11
Views: 7187

Re: composite -blur results in black area

Well I wanted to use it for a script in the same context as the other -compose options like e.g. hard-light (see ) - so in the same syntax and order: -compose blur 400 instead of -compose hard-light Your proposal to blur the image before overlaying is a ...
by horen
Forum: Users
Topic: composite -blur results in black area
Replies: 11
Views: 7187

Re: composite -blur results in black area

@snibgo: I use geometry to position the text layer on the background image.

I need this option since the positioning comes from a user input. I don't know how big the two images are.

@fmw42: That's the reason as well why I can't use the convert command.
by horen
Forum: Users
Topic: composite -blur results in black area
Replies: 11
Views: 7187

composite -blur results in black area

I am composing an image from two input images - one with text and one background image. When using the composite -blur option I get black areas to the right and to the bottom of the overlaying text. Example here: This is my imagemagick command: composite -blur 400 ...