Search found 13 matches

by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: PNG opacity in composition
Replies: 7
Views: 4350

Re: PNG opacity in composition

Ah, it's multiply in that way. I was thinking of blending options like those in Photoshop. Never mind, I get it now.

The text is not always black, it can be any color. Will this code also work than?
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: PNG opacity in composition
Replies: 7
Views: 4350

Re: PNG opacity in composition

Thanks snibgo, that seems to work! But is multiply giving the same results as normal opacity? I don't need special- or blending effects.
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: PNG opacity in composition
Replies: 7
Views: 4350

Re: PNG opacity in composition

Thanks snibgo. I know but that's not the problem. The image of the text is a full black box (of the image boundaries) at the opacity given with "-evaluate set 40%". The text is completely gone. Here are some input images: Image: ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: PNG opacity in composition
Replies: 7
Views: 4350

PNG opacity in composition

I'm creating a composition of images with methods as described here: For each layer I create separate image first (according all selected options in app), and then I'm merging those in one image. The problem is with text images ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Add semi-transparent inner border over source image
Replies: 2
Views: 5067

Re: Add semi-transparent inner border over source image

Thanks snibgo, exactly as I needed! This proves again this forum is a great way of IM support :)
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Add semi-transparent inner border over source image
Replies: 2
Views: 5067

Add semi-transparent inner border over source image

First, I've searched the forum and docs but I can't find a similar question to mine. I hope you all can help me. I want to add an semi-transparent surrounding inner-border of 20 pixels (for example) to a single jpg image. With -shave and -border I've created the inner border effect already, but I've ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density
Replies: 5
Views: 4428

Re: Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density

Thanks fmw42! That seems to do the trick. Is it also possible to get the width & height of the loaded image source.jpg, instead of manually entering pixel sizes?
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density
Replies: 5
Views: 4428

Re: Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density

I just posted the input files above in the original post. The wood image should be exactly on the white lines on source.jpg.
I think I can handle the DPI problem by myself right now, but I don't think "composite" is the right command for my use.
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density
Replies: 5
Views: 4428

Wood tiles overlay with multiply, offset & density

Hello, I struggling with this issue. I have two files: Source image (landscape) created with "convert" with -units PixelsPerInch at a density of 20 Wood vertical tile image @ 150 DPI I need to overlay the source image with the wooden tiles next to each other in multiply mode, but I can't get it ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + coords
Replies: 8
Views: 8518

Re: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + co

Thanks for your thorough explanaition and examples, I will look into it and see what option suits me my needs the most.

You guys helped me big time, appreciate it!
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + coords
Replies: 8
Views: 8518

Re: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + co

I think snibgo's approach gives a good result, is easy to understand, and is easy to modify as you need. -distort is capable scaling without the needing a separate -resize. It with give slightly better results slightly quicker, but it's not worth it. Or -distort SRT could have been replaced with ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + coords
Replies: 8
Views: 8518

Re: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + co

Thanks snibgo! It works! You said there are many approaches, I really would like to know the main differences between them and why you chose this one. I'm willing to learn and in my opinion the docs are not a good starting point for a beginner. I was struggling with -geometry and -distort, but it ...
by christiaan
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + coords
Replies: 8
Views: 8518

Need help with recreate canvas from multiple images + coords

Hello, I've been struggling with this issue for two days now, I hope you guys can help me out. I want to combine several images onto one fixed size image, where each item has it's own position (gravity northwest) and rotation (from center). I tried multiple options with "-page", "-composite ...