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by Will
Forum: Users
Topic: Background removal
Replies: 8
Views: 7983

Re: Background removal

Thanks GreenKoopa, just what I was looking for - "exactly the original minus black". Good to here you confirm. Ya, brightness, hue, or any other potential alterations, I was concerned with for the core extracted image. Can't give you much, but will definitely give UPs to the ImageMagick and your ...
by Will
Forum: Users
Topic: Background removal
Replies: 8
Views: 7983

Re: Background removal

Veerry sweeet, thanks much -all- for your replies and examples. GreenKoopa - it is very close to the original minus the black. It's hard to tell switching between transparent and black background if the Red luminosity/brightness has changed - maybe my eyes aren't that good. Now, a little bash script ...
by Will
Forum: Users
Topic: Background removal
Replies: 8
Views: 7983

Re: Background removal

Thanks for the reply. What you provided is about as close as I could get from the examples. Unfortunately, the edge has been removed a little, has some black still in it, and is not faded in a transparency way. There should be some way to remove all black, ie the solid background and the influence ...
by Will
Forum: Users
Topic: Background removal
Replies: 8
Views: 7983

Background removal

Hello, I need to remove a black background while making the edge, which is black/red mixed, semi-red transparent. I don't have other images to work with for masks, etc.. Can this be done with command line ImageMagick?

The following is an example image:
