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by 0xJohny
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up identify on images with multiple frames?
Replies: 4
Views: 3732

Re: How to speed up identify on images with multiple frames?

Doesn't seem to. Tried:

Code: Select all

identify -format "%n" -ping test.mp4
And it was as long as before (over a minute). Also tried other simple formats like %w, and same result. (I'm using ImageMagick 6.8.6-7 Q8)

How is -ping supposed to work? The documentation doesn't say much...
by 0xJohny
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up identify on images with multiple frames?
Replies: 4
Views: 3732

How to speed up identify on images with multiple frames?

When I run identify on animated GIF, or MP4 video, the execution time can go up to minutes, as it is identifying every single frame. The command I want to run is: identify -format "%Q %m %n %w %h" image.gif %Q - compression quality %m - image format %n - number of frames %w - width %h - height I ...