Thanks a million Fred, you are correct, the red text wasn't opaque enough. Your settings made it work. I need to fine tune the numbers to get the blur to produce a noticeable effect though.
Search found 3 matches
- 2013-08-18T08:18:20-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Text on image - Replicating old film camera data backs
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1945
- 2013-08-17T12:45:42-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Text on image - Replicating old film camera data backs
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1945
Re: Text on image - Replicating old film camera data backs
Thanks Fred, I'm using ImageMagick-6.8.6-8 on Windows 7. The look of the text is as follows: This is the text on its own written to a jpg: If I create the above in a transparent layer and combine with original I get the much less ...
- 2013-08-17T12:08:57-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Text on image - Replicating old film camera data backs
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1945
Text on image - Replicating old film camera data backs
Hello folks, I'm trying to replicate the look of the date and time that was imprinted on the old film SLRs with data back. They printed with a red lamp that left a glowing text on the photo. My idea is to take the exif data and print date and time in a red text with a bit of blur to make it glow ...