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by dan
Forum: Users
Topic: Progressive jpg
Replies: 5
Views: 12011

Re: Progressive jpg


Seems like it's doing the trick. I'm checking the file with:

identify -verbose new_file.jpg

and it shows:
Interlace: None

Does it mean that the jpeg is not progressive or do I need something else?
by dan
Forum: Users
Topic: Progressive jpg
Replies: 5
Views: 12011

Re: Progressive jpg

I can obviously run:

convert -interlace none image.jpg new_image.jpg

But when I check the file with gimp it seems interlaced...
by dan
Forum: Users
Topic: Progressive jpg
Replies: 5
Views: 12011

Progressive jpg


I'd like to make sure that my jpgs are NOT interlaced (don't want progressive jpg).

Tried all kind of scripts but didn't get it right...

any advice will be appreciated!!
