I used icc profile but... but the resulting image is brighter/overexposed..... why? http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/130/c78o.jpg $img = new Imagick($filePath); $cs = $img->getImageColorspace(); // don't use this (it inverts the image) // $img->setImageColorspace (imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB); if ($cs ...
I am trying to convert a RGB photo in CMYK with a php script. but inverted colors (O_O) http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9388/q6uk.jpg looking on google .. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4830478/php-imagick-rgb-to-cmyk-inverts is a bug or script wrong ? SCRIPT PHP $filePath = $percorso."/".$dir ...