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by Heart
Forum: Users
Topic: Move regions in image to the left (different regions)
Replies: 4
Views: 2905

Re: Move regions in image to the left (different regions)

ok -crop and -trim works. After that I simply do a

Code: Select all

convert tabelle.png -size ${width}x60 xc:white -append tabelle.png
to have 60px space for my date/time at the bottom right.

Perfect, thanks again snibgo!
by Heart
Forum: Users
Topic: Move regions in image to the left (different regions)
Replies: 4
Views: 2905

Re: Move regions in image to the left (different regions)

Perfect, a few more -chop commands and the white spaces between the columns are also gone. I have the following code now which generates the "thin ranking" as png file from the pdf file: #!/bin/bash # PDF to PNG with white background and 300 DPI convert -density 300 tabelle.pdf -background white ...
by Heart
Forum: Users
Topic: Move regions in image to the left (different regions)
Replies: 4
Views: 2905

Move regions in image to the left (different regions)

Hi, I hope IM can handle my request :? I have a soccer ranking table as pdf file. This ranking is a) very wide and b) has one column in there which has to be deleted. So I think I speak in pictures which should be easier for you to understand what I want to do. This is the pdf file (in this case ...