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by Sweptr
Forum: Users
Topic: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.
Replies: 6
Views: 4410

Re: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.

(712/(712*30/100)/2+10)*10) Is NOT the same as ((30/100)/2+10)*10 Agreed. But it is the same as ((100/30)/2+10)*10. Your expression can be simplified: ($ImageSize/($ImageSize*$Percent/100)/2+10)*10 = 500 / $Percent + 100 For example: (712/(712*30/100)/2+10)*10 = 116.6667 500 / 30 + 100 = 116.6667 ...
by Sweptr
Forum: Users
Topic: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.
Replies: 6
Views: 4410

Re: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.

Your expression is strange. It contains ImageSize twice, and they cancel each other. So the result does not depend on ImageSize. At the time writen the code, it was more important to understand what is going on thant make the code pretty. In this cas eI clearly can see that I A.. take the size of ...
by Sweptr
Forum: Users
Topic: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.
Replies: 6
Views: 4410

Re: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.

Bonzo wrote:You can use -extent and that is even easier if all your final images are the same size:

Code: Select all

convert input.jpg -resize 500x500 -background blue -gravity center -extent 600x600 output.jpg
Oh thank you sir.

That was exactly what I needed. :D
by Sweptr
Forum: Users
Topic: Scale down picture, fill rest with border.
Replies: 6
Views: 4410

Scale down picture, fill rest with border.

I suppose this wil be more a mathematic problem than anythingelse.. I have this Command convert Forvaltningsratten.png -resize 20% -bordercolor Black -border 200%x200% 20-perc_Förvaltningsratten.png Regarding to how much I shrink the original image - the border parameters will be different. I am ...