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- 2013-11-05T18:21:00-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Specify format of large numbers when used in filenames
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2698
Re: Specify format of large numbers when used in filenames
Hi, sorry for the long delay in responding! Snibgo, I added -precision 10 to the command, and it works perfectly. Thanks! Anthony, luckily for my purposes I don't need any advanced formatting options, so the above suffices. However, thanks for your response and thanks for an excellent tool! Joel
- 2013-10-23T18:45:51-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Specify format of large numbers when used in filenames
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2698
Specify format of large numbers when used in filenames
Hello I use the following script to tile large images into 256x256 chunks, with a tile X and Y in the filename, for use in Google Maps-style maps: convert input.png -sample 400% -crop 256x256 -set filename:tile "%[fx:page.x/256.0+1724074]_%[fx:page.y/256.0+1245486]" +repage +adjoin "%[filename:tile ...