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by joe111
Forum: Users
Topic: From animated to still GIF [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 1389

Re: From animated to still GIF [SOLVED]

Nvm this thread, I did some fix with the PHP.

Old code:

Code: Select all

exec("/iu/cube/u0/s181322/imagick/bin/convert '$original_pic[0]' ...

New code:

Code: Select all

exec("/iu/cube/u0/s181322/imagick/bin/convert '" . $original_pic . "[0]' ...
by joe111
Forum: Users
Topic: From animated to still GIF [SOLVED]
Replies: 2
Views: 1389

From animated to still GIF [SOLVED]

This command works perfectly:

$ convert 'animated.gif[0]' -thumbnail 250x250 still.gif

However this doesn't work:

$ convert '/tmp/phpAbumej[0]' -thumbnail 250x250 still.gif

Where /tmp/phpAbumej is an input file from a PHP form data. Is there any workaround for this?