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by DanEspen
Forum: PerlMagick
Topic: Getting rid of white background after rotate
Replies: 1
Views: 9523

Re: Getting rid of white background after rotate - solved.

Looks like I'm going to answer my own question, the answer seem to be to include color=>'none' in the rotate command. Sorry I couldn't figure that out from the documentation. I just started wondering why color was an argument to the rotate command.
by DanEspen
Forum: PerlMagick
Topic: Getting rid of white background after rotate
Replies: 1
Views: 9523

Getting rid of white background after rotate

I'm trying to take an input file with a shaped image (transparent background) and create a new image showing the original image rotated around the center axis. As this code stands, I only get clear background when the image is rotated an even multiple of 90 degrees. This is the code I'm using ...