Search found 13 matches

by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: -depth 8 does not match Photoshop
Replies: 3
Views: 1993

Re: -depth 8 does not match Photoshop

ImageMagick version: ImageMagick-6.7.6-4-Q16_x64 Values in the example: 8-bit values: First example: 254,247 (right to left) << Expected values after 16 to 8 bit in Photoshop 8-bit values: Second example: 255,254 (right to left) << Values after convert -depth 8 16-bit values: Forth example ORIGINAL ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: -depth 8 does not match Photoshop
Replies: 3
Views: 1993

-depth 8 does not match Photoshop

Trying to adjust -depth conversion from 16 bit to 8 bit for TIFF to match Photoshop, for some reason values does not end up the same. Can't say for sure why AND I haven't tried all operators with -depth so I'm asking for some help here. Take a look at the attached screenshot. ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: identify - force header only
Replies: 4
Views: 5680

Re: identify - force header only

You're right as a test I did: format %[fx:w]x[fx:h] from the inch example and it forces a complete image load :-)
Using format %wx%h works as expected, perfect.
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: identify - force header only
Replies: 4
Views: 5680

identify - force header only

Is it possible to force the identify command to only read the header of an image file (if possible) instead of reading the whole file before output.
I'm interested in getting back the width/height quickly without loading image data.
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

Re: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

Sorry for the typo, yes! I've modified the reply post.
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

Re: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

Thanks, sorry for the delay. There's just one more thing about using the colorspace operator instead of the gamma operator. Gamma for sRGB is not just 2.2, it has linear segments near zero. This make the colorspace operator more suitable for "to sRGB" conversions. What exactly is "-colorspace RGB ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

Re: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

Here's a suggestion: convert image_adobergb.jpg -intent relative -profile "./AdobeRGB1998.icc" -evaluate POW 2.2 -resize 800x800 -gamma 2.2 -profile "./sRGB_Color_Space_Profile.icm" image_srgb.jpg I need to be able to linearize any colorspace given by a profile. Is it needed to explicitly remove the ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

Re: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

One more thing, how does the -colorspace option affect -profile? When doing a resize I want to convert the input image to AdobeRGB linear before doing the resize: convert input.tif -colorspace RGB -resize 500 -colorspace sRGB output.png What exactly happens to an AdobeRGB file if we do -colorspace ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

Re: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

Thanks - that's what I needed :-)
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax
Replies: 8
Views: 13340

convert sRGB/AdobeRGB syntax

Hi there - Just to make sure I'm doing the right thing with ImageMagick and ICC profiles. What's is the proper convert syntax to convert between let's say AdobeRGB and sRGB? Example: convert an image from AdobeRGB to sRGB. convert image_adobergb.jpg -profile "./AdobeRGB1998.icc" -profile "./sRGB ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths
Replies: 4
Views: 2802

Re: Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths

Will give GIMP a try, playing around with Script-Fu now.
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths
Replies: 4
Views: 2802

Re: Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths

Not sure if this is exactly what I want :-) The SVG contains a vector representation of the mask (clipping paths), a trace from the alpha of the original image. The SVG clipping paths needs to be inserted as the clipping paths for the result jpg. Is that what happens if you change the result of the ...
by msundell
Forum: Users
Topic: Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths
Replies: 4
Views: 2802

Composite potrace output into jpg clipping paths

First, thanks for ImageMagick - it's really a great peace of software! Anyway, I'm currently testing potrace to generate a vector representations of an alpha channel. Is it possible to use ImageMagick to composite clipping paths into an output file based on input from a TIFF or PNG + EPS, PS, PDF or ...