Hi, everything is clear now, and it works perfectly.
Only one thing, what if I would like to position somewhere the circle?
maybe not centered but on a side, how can I set the X and Y of the circle?
thanks a lot
Search found 10 matches
- 2014-01-17T02:32:04-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: draw ROUND images on a background, is it possible?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4824
- 2014-01-03T09:21:35-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How to install freetype delegate/ImageMagick 6.8.8 (Centos)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5469
How to install freetype delegate/ImageMagick 6.8.8 (Centos)
I needed ImageMagick to use some web fonts on creating image. I installed ImageMagick 6.8.8 on my Centos Linux server machine, but freetype are not installed, after I ./configure the summary of my configuration is like this FreeType --with-freetype=yes no and while is configuring it shows this ...
- 2014-01-02T01:51:38-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: how to -draw text with special character -like ë- ?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2055
how to -draw text with special character -like ë- ?
Hi guys, I would like to draw some special characters on my image, but the letter ë in Azië is represented with wrong coded characters. actually i wrote my script on a *.bat UTF8 encoded file. Is there a way to solve it? this is my example code: -draw "rotate -4 text 385,335 'Azië'" thanks in advance
- 2013-12-31T06:28:30-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: how to -draw text and -shadow it?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1337
how to -draw text and -shadow it?
Hi guys, I'm printing some text on an image with convert and I would like to decorate the text with a black shadow, I'm trying -blur or -gaussian but i cannot apply to the text, it is applied to the background image. i need to use -draw command and not -annotate and this is the code I need to update ...
- 2013-12-30T08:13:59-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: how to write text with angle orientation?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1632
how to write text with angle orientation?
Hi guys,
is it possible to use web fonts to write some text over the image with a particular angle orientation, and which command should I use?
guess it going from a left bottom corner to the right top corner (just an example)
thanks in advance
is it possible to use web fonts to write some text over the image with a particular angle orientation, and which command should I use?
guess it going from a left bottom corner to the right top corner (just an example)
thanks in advance
- 2013-12-30T04:35:46-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: is it possible to combine -draw and -border?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1241
is it possible to combine -draw and -border?
Hi guys, I put an image over another, using the draw command, I would like to know if it may be possible to apply to this image one border with the classical bordercolor and border command this is my example code convert -size 600x357 xc:none -draw "image Over 0,0 0,0 'background01.jpg'" -draw ...
- 2013-12-30T04:22:01-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: draw ROUND images on a background, is it possible?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4824
Re: draw ROUND images on a background, is it possible?
Question, this is circle options:
but if i write
nothing changes.
its behavior is not so clear.
what do x0,y0 x1,y1 stand for then?
Code: Select all
circle x0,y0 x1,y1
but if i write
Code: Select all
"circle 0,0 300,150"
Code: Select all
"circle 0,0 150,300"
its behavior is not so clear.
what do x0,y0 x1,y1 stand for then?
- 2013-12-30T03:41:39-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: draw ROUND images on a background, is it possible?
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4824
draw ROUND images on a background, is it possible?
Hi guys, I need to put some images on a background, and that's working fine with the following code: convert -size 600x357 xc:none -draw "image Over 0,0 0,0 'background01.jpg'" -draw "image Over 25,190 0,0 'aktiviteiten01.jpg'" -draw "image Over 200,190 0,0 'cultuur13.jpg'" -draw "image Over 380,190 ...
- 2013-12-19T07:39:32-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Merging images, one img over another over a background img
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2135
Re: Multilayer image, one img over another over a background
great explanation, but it still does not solve my problem.
- 2013-12-19T07:20:28-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Merging images, one img over another over a background img
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2135
Merging images, one img over another over a background img
Hi guys, I'm kinda new on imagemagick composition, i explain you my problem. My goal is a postcard, i have some images and i have to put them one over another. at first I've a background photo large 500x250 pixel with a 5pixel white border, and over the background I should put some rectangles or ...