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by steahl
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding time stamp for single file in Windows
Replies: 7
Views: 3486

Re: Adding time stamp for single file in Windows

Thanks for your help. I managed to get what I wanted with this code:

Code: Select all

for %%A in (image.jpg) do set FDATE=%%~tA
convert image.jpg -pointsize 20 -fill yellow -gravity southeast ^ -annotate +10+10 "%FDATE%" image_trans.jpg
by steahl
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding time stamp for single file in Windows
Replies: 7
Views: 3486

Re: Adding time stamp for single file in Windows

Sorry I was unclear in my question. I want to time stamp the no-exif jpg in the same way the code below does for a jpg with exif-information. convert PICT0001.JPG -font Arial -pointsize 20 -fill yellow -annotate +450+440 "%%[exif:DateTime]" PICT0001_trans.jpg And I want to do that in a windows batch ...
by steahl
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding time stamp for single file in Windows
Replies: 7
Views: 3486

Adding time stamp for single file in Windows

Hi, I have an IP camera creating a jpg-file which is uploaded to my webserver. I want to add a time stamp to the file called image.jpg with the file date and time and save it with another name. The jpg contains no Exif-tags. I want to run the code in a Windows batch file. Can someone help me with ...