Search found 18 matches

by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: Check if the Image loaded and convert correct?
Replies: 4
Views: 5707

Re: Check if the Image loaded and convert correct?

What do you mean correct define?
It is a normal image. Only the strips do not belong in there.
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: Check if the Image loaded and convert correct?
Replies: 4
Views: 5707

Check if the Image loaded and convert correct?

How can i ceck if the image loaded and convert correct?

See picture:
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: error Reporting shell_exec
Replies: 2
Views: 4544

Re: error Reporting shell_exec

IT works Thank You
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: error Reporting shell_exec
Replies: 2
Views: 4544

error Reporting shell_exec

private function convert_width($size,$pic,$input,$output) { $pfadinput = $input."/".$pic; $pfadoutput = $output."/".$pic; print_r("/usr/bin/convert -resize '.$size.' -quality 100% '.$pfadinput.' '.$pfadoutput"); var_dump(shell_exec("/usr/bin/convert -resize '.$size.'-quality 100% '.$pfadinput ...
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?
Replies: 4
Views: 5528

Re: How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?

Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 i686 2014-11-05
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2014 ImageMagick Studio LLC

Betriebssytem: Linux welche Version weiß ich nicht.
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?
Replies: 4
Views: 5528

Re: How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?

How can I check if that image was assembled correctly?
First, define "correctly". Then test for that condition being true.

The error is that the images are loaded correctly and not always as a background a gray area appears
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?
Replies: 4
Views: 5528

How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct?

How can I check ImageMagic commands, whether they have been carried out correct ?

How can I check if that image was assembled correctly?
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: -composite with spacekey
Replies: 6
Views: 8630

Re: -composite with spacekey

Version: ImageMagick 6.8.9-9 Q16 i686 2014-11-05

I use PHP yes.

It copy the pics in a file. These file is a Galleryname. And the galleryname can have spaces.
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: -composite with spacekey
Replies: 6
Views: 8630

Re: -composite with spacekey

I use from imagemagicx these Command: /usr/bin/convert converting/size-0.jpg -quality 100% converting/logosafe/" . $piclog . " -gravity SouthEast -geometry +" . $pos . "+" . $pos . " -composite " . $gallerie . "/'" . $pic . "'" If in the String oft he Varaiable $gallerie a space blank –composite d ...
by Darknet
Forum: Developers
Topic: -composite with spacekey
Replies: 6
Views: 8630

-composite with spacekey

I need the -composite command with space. How do I that?
by Darknet
Forum: Magick++
Topic: Imagemagic image size get smaller MB
Replies: 1
Views: 9569

Imagemagic image size get smaller MB

How do I get the images smaller? I mean the Megabite/kilobyte not the witdth and height.
by Darknet
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Combine two images not always work correct.
Replies: 7
Views: 14583

Re: Combine two images not always work correct.

The first picture The picture which has not been completely loaded.

The second ist the loge on the right side at bottom.

No there are always different pictures.

Sometimes none at all
by Darknet
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Combine two images not always work correct.
Replies: 7
Views: 14583

Re: Combine two images not always work correct.

snibgo wrote:Please give an example that other people can try.
See picture

by Darknet
Forum: IMagick
Topic: Combine two images not always work correct.
Replies: 7
Views: 14583

Combine two images not always work correct.

When combining Handle multiple (two images) with combosite, he is the first that can not always be 100% together correctly. It remains a gray background. Why is that? shell_exec("/usr/bin/convert converting/hintergrund.jpg output/'".$pic."' -gravity center -composite ".$gallerie."/'".$pic."'"); http ...
by Darknet
Forum: Users
Topic: -composite composition error
Replies: 2
Views: 11402

-composite composition error

These is my second Thread for this theme. This time a little more detail. And convert the size and height. But for the Smaller Pictures with 138px heigt. I will a white background behind it put. These with -composite. But the Composited Pictures are all with. the actual picture is not visible Where ...