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by MOS
Forum: Users
Topic: converting jpg to eps using 300dpi resolution
Replies: 3
Views: 5091

Re: converting jpg to eps using 300dpi resolution

Thank you for the explanation about eps files.
But, if an eps file doesn't have dpi resolution, why the command identify returns 72x72 dpi as resolution?. I have also applied this command to other eps files and some of them appears to have 300x300 dpi resolution.
by MOS
Forum: Users
Topic: converting jpg to eps using 300dpi resolution
Replies: 3
Views: 5091

converting jpg to eps using 300dpi resolution

Hi, I am having troubles using ImageMagick-6.8.8-1 and the convert command. This works fine: convert image.jpg -units pixelsperinch -density 300x300 resultimage.jpg identify -verbose resultimage.jpg the identify command shows that resultimage.jpg has 300x300 dpi resolution This doesn`t work: convert ...