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by henryoswald
Forum: Users
Topic: keeping same orientation using -define pdf:fit-page=548x
Replies: 3
Views: 5082

Re: keeping same orientation using -define pdf:fit-page=548x

You are correct, I ment 6.8.8-8 which I built from source running on ubuntu server 12.04 Here is a file which coverts to portrait when converting without "-define pdf:fit-page=548x" the orientation is kept the same. Advice is very welcome.
by henryoswald
Forum: Users
Topic: keeping same orientation using -define pdf:fit-page=548x
Replies: 3
Views: 5082

keeping same orientation using -define pdf:fit-page=548x

Hi, I am using the new "convert -define pdf:fit-page=548x" which was kindly added in 7.8.8-8 (1) When I run the following command against a landscape image it auto converts it to portrait convert -density 300 -define pdf:fit-page=548x poster.pdf[0] -resize 548x poster.png i've tried -auto-orient but ...
by henryoswald
Forum: Users
Topic: Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in
Replies: 4
Views: 5544

Re: Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in

Out of interest how often do you release? Just wondering when 6.8.8-8 will be out.
by henryoswald
Forum: Users
Topic: Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in
Replies: 4
Views: 5544

Re: Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in

Thats brilliant, thanks for being so responsive.

I will eagerly await for its release :D
by henryoswald
Forum: Users
Topic: Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in
Replies: 4
Views: 5544

Rasterize the PDF to a set resolution when reading it in

I want to generate thumbnails of PDFs at a fixed width (548px wide, with the height determined by the PDF page aspect ratio). With ImageMagick, I can do this with the command: $ convert -density 300 -resize 548x input.pdf thumbnail.png This works for arbitrary sized PDFs, however, the larger the PDF ...