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by stowelly
Forum: Users
Topic: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet
Replies: 8
Views: 2974

Re: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet

I have sent you a pm with some sample assets attached. hopefully that will make it clear what i am trying to do

by stowelly
Forum: Users
Topic: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet
Replies: 8
Views: 2974

Re: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet

excuse the crap paint drawing (plus the yellow box seems barely visible)

but hope that makes it somewhat clearer..... its hard to show you without actually posting the assets....
by stowelly
Forum: Users
Topic: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet
Replies: 8
Views: 2974

Re: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet

thanks for your reply, but they are not the same size, which is the problem. ideally id like to know how I can crop them to the right size, but also pad out the cropped bits into equally sized tiles with the parts aligned at the point that they would meet each other in an array
by stowelly
Forum: Users
Topic: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet
Replies: 8
Views: 2974

Re: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet

sorry i probably wasnt very clear. the images fit perfectly together if you use them in photoshop or suchlike to align them, so resizing would mess up how they sit together / look ill link the tileset i bought (cant legally post the actual files) ...
by stowelly
Forum: Users
Topic: converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet
Replies: 8
Views: 2974

converting non fixed size images into a tilesheet

Hi, I bought some assets for a game im making, and it was stated suitible for tilemapping, and sorted into folders of the same images for different sizes, 64 x64 128x128 etc etc. but the images arent all aligned / trimmed to hard 128x128 so obviously creating a tilemap out of these is problematic ...